It started when God said…

“You’re writing songs for Me now.”

CXI HeadShot 2.png

Click here for the songs of the new Blessings Series at Emmanuel Community Church


Click here for the songs of the new Blessings Series at Emmanuel Community Church <><



My mom earned a Masters in English & Education and my dad, a veteran, a BFA in Music. Their skills combined in my brother and myself and I’ve been songwriting music by ear since I was 12. In Middle School I began writing love songs and was waiting to be discovered as the next great balladeer songwriter if you can imagine that. But in my college years one day, I heard the call as clear as a whisper. It started when God said, “You’re writing songs for Me now.” I knew it was the Lord deep in my spirit but I questioned, “I’m no great musician, or singer and I don’t know how to write that kind of music?” And just like Moses I was schooled with, “Write the kind of music you write, but the songs of your heart will be about Me now.”

And from that moment on, I did. My name is Troy Goss.



CXI was envisioned in 2001 by music composer Troy Goss, practically a Southern Californian since the age of three, and musically involved in band and orchestra since the fourth grade. Years later, his mature taste for smooth jazz and R&B composition would be dramatically and forever directed toward Christian music. But it would not be fully realized until influenced by joining his church ensemble group where he learned true worship and better vocal harmony. Still later, being introduced to the fantastic complexities of all modern electronic music by a gifted rhythm composer, the idea of exploring, making and blending this music with a uniquely powerful Christian message set the rest in motion.


"Hear SOUND Doctrine"

 CXI (Christ eXalted Inside) - is an Electronica/Jazz/R&B group created by Troy Goss who is the Composer / Arranger / Sound Engineer / Lyricist / Musician / Presenter and Producer of all the songs on his albums, the album cover art and collaborates whenever possible with other artists.  In most cases he works independently moved by a godly desire to share the Good News in fresh and inspiring ways, the biblical concepts in each song are clear and that is his main driving force. "I want no question of whom I'm referring to - it's Jesus that changed me."

In CXI’s Electrinity, memorable melodies and remarkable interludes swirl about, without losing its thundering, edgy beats or a healthy sense of fun by not taking itself seriously. Jesus and his words are the typical focus in a CXI song, yet “No More Frozen Dreams” touches upon the idea of casting off Fear for Faith and anticipating glorification in heaven.  Orchestral, electronic glitchy, jazzy with soaring vocal-work themes are explored on this album.  "I love the early sounds of this album, when I first got my feet wet into the waters of my own personal Red Sea of discouragement in front with a Pharaoh-sized army of doubt behind me.  I made certain it was the best work I could do at that time.  I've learned and grown a lot since then."  


With Fruit of the Spirit, this album is a collection of cinematic / instrumental songs that hopefully capture the emotional side of the subject matter of Galatians 5:22-23 & Ephesians 5:9.  Each song tells a story about an attribute of Christ and Christian life, turning spiritual concept and emotion into music.  Filled with poignet melodies, and haunting string passages, it is sometimes hard to believe that this is the total work of one person.  "Without the Holy Spirits help, I couldn't have done this work.  In the passages of Long-suffering, I was really trying to create a piece where the listener would have to wait, as the song ever so slowly revealed itself, to teach the principle that long after we have given up on someone or something, God is still patient, enduring with them and with us too.  I'm also glad to once again work with my wife throughout the journey."  



Album Re-release in 2013 - Not Sold in Stores

> printf  TMC_liner_notes.txt

REM :  The following CD program is designed to cause the user to re-calculate

REM :  their relationship with Jesus Christ. Each sound unit is comprised of music

REM :  and lyrics whose primary function is to provoke thought of who Christ is

REM :  and what it means to be a Christian (See "follower of Christ"). Fun and Entertainment derived from said units are necessary, but secondary.

REM :  Upon reflection, the human should reprogram their CPU and find The Missing Connection to their heart drive.  

> End of Line []    : )  CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LYRICS



The Christ of Christmas - "The idea for this single about having a meaningful Christmas

came during Christmas 2005. Certain stores instructed employees to say "Season's Greetings"

or "Happy Holidays" at Christmastime and it was all over the news stories.  The backlash was

strong and people purposefully went out of there way to say "Merry Christmas" to which

employees felt like their job was on the line if they violated a corporate policy.  So this is where

we are.  Even the idea of saying our usual Christmas greeting has become offensive, though

every form of lust, greed, and profanity fills the airwaves and cable wire, a considerable segment

of society seeks to censure Jesus's name. This song purposefully reminds us what and who

Christmas is all about."


Living for Jesus  - Wanting to completely turn the tables on the genres that are expected from CXI, Troy reaches into his pop/gospel/electronic musical bag of tricks and creates a style that really delivers some solid hit material again on this his fourth album.  Unity is found through the variety of styles on this album.  From uptempo pop and scorching rock guitar pieces to quiet piano and strings that swell, Living for Jesus (LFJ), brings home all of the qualities of his varied styles and allows for some dramatically beautiful, soul-searching ballads like "Fill My Heart" and "Just to Love You".  "Jesus has always been the central theme, he has to be for all true Christian music.  With the LFJ album, I just didn't want there to be any doubt so through each song the album is saturated in teaching, showing, examining, revealing, reflecting, and sharing Jesus Christ." 


Christ Xalted Inside (C X I) presents

Songs of Ministry for Emmanuel Community Church:

The Blessings Series


These songs will be here for a limited time in their full versions. Then look for these songs on their respective albums coming soon.


Just Want To Thank You Lord!

The Christian:

shows their gratitude

Just To Love You

The Christian:

remembers the cost

Pretty little lies

The Christian:

must confront their own sin


The Christian:

without faith cannot believe





From upcoming album

  • by Troy M. Goss - 02/14/2009
    © 2009 IZRI Media Productions

    Inspired from a sermon, by Bishop Leon Ralph and 1 Chronicles 29:10-20

    I could be walking down the street, when I break into Sudden Praise
    Starts from my mouth, goes to my feet, when I step into Sudden Praise

    His Spirits here, so I won't let go, when I begin to Sudden Praise
    Sometimes no one would ever know, when I whisper a Sudden Praise

    Chorus 1
    I just thank God, that i'm set free
    Saved by the cross, of Calvary.
    That He could use, this wretched man - Forgive my sins?, I don't understand.

    But I'll thank Him till, My dying day
    For the love Jesus, has sent my way
    As I lift my hands, Glorify His name
    God has blessed my life, I'll never be the same

    Let's make it clear He's still in control, when overcome with Sudden Praise - I testify how Christ saved my soul, when I shout out a Sudden Praise

    I won't back down, here's where I stand, I'm not afraid of Sudden Praise - Spread Jesus' name across the land, we all can give Him Sudden Praise

    Chorus 2
    Ha-Le-LU-Jah, Ha-Le-LU-Jah (x2)

    Praise His Holy name, Praise His Holy name - God the Father, Holy Spirit,

    Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus

Click the “+” icon to toggle lyrics