Lyrics and Liner Notes

By Troy Goss

It is often said and most recently by noted author of "The Purpose Driven Life" pastor Rick Warren, that ..."there are no Christian music...only Christian lyrics."  Understanding that there are no sanctified notes on the keyboard or Holy harmonies on a harp, there is some accounting for personality and taste and the spirit with which a song is performed.  I can sing the Hallelujah Chorus like an opera tenor and make a crowd weep, but still go out back and knock over a liquor store.  Or conversely, screech a heavy-metal rock band cover cursing like a sailor, and then do a benefit to raise money for the homeless.  It's our relationship with Jesus Christ, our understanding of HIS Word and our belief in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that hinges our faith and trust to the Kingdom of Heaven so that what we say IS what we do.

So with all that in mind, as a song writer / song presenter (I don't even fancy that I'm a true singer), with God's help I struggle to ensure that each line was the best that I could devise.  I seek to make certain that it is scripturally based, that the doctrine is sound and that the inspiration of where it came from was clear showing chapter and verse.  I can make music that's just music- and I have.  For access cable T.V. shows, college radio broadcasts, theater productions and the like.  But when it bears the name CXI - it is a heart-affair to guarantee it can be called a Christian song without exception.  Personalities and flavors of musical genres can differ, the truth or the meaning in the words reflecting HIS Word cannot.

The music was tremendously, wondrously fun to create, so I hope you find some tones pleasant to your ears.

The lyrics are gut-wrenchingly, agonizingly as accurate to the emotions I believe that the Holy Spirit wants me to convey, so I hope they lift, inspire, touch, and bless your heart.


Singles - Lyrics

These offerings were individual efforts or were not a part of a traditional compilation album or were

commissioned work requests from organizations like B.4.U.C.,  Y.L.O.O.C., and The L.A.M.B.S. Zone

ELECTRINITY - Album Lyrics & Poetry